Traveling is a waste of money/time

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Is traveling really a waste of money/time



I constantly hear this when I will tell anyone that I have booked tickets to this place. I know many of us become the victim. And the worst part is your parents will say it first. I also feel sometime that what a need to travel is there. What is there that it fascinates so many people? I personally feel that we all travelers are fooling here. Unnecessary we all are wasting our time and hard gained money. The people who do not travel their population is more than who actually does. And even so they lead a perfectly happy life, right?

So 80- 90 % of the people cannot be fooled. Then let’s understand why traveling is a bad idea and feel free to add more if you wish thus:

1) Traveling is expensive

Why simply to consume your time and money on traveling. Instead, you can buy one house and spend a bomb on it. It is safer to remain in your house than staying in a hotel/inn. Hold out your entire lifespan in your dream house rather moving like a nomad.

2) Traveling is unproductive

Traveling is unproductive. Instead you can buy Jewels, they will make you rich in future. Besides, you can apply it at whatever time. You can also convert it into money whenever you require. But traveling is a total waste. You are not making anything out of it. Also, you cannot get the traveling experience encashed.

3) Traveling does not really teach you anything

While going to school only you can learn. If you experience life along the road, then it is all a waste. The instruction which you are starting out in school and at home that is entirely important. Life experience you can start out easily as time goes. So there is no need to travel.

4) Traveling arises curiosity

Are you crazy!! Why there is a need to know what is there in the world. Why to interact with people of your neighboring countries. Why to eat different varieties of food. Rather try to concentrate on how to gain more money. Money is more important to live your life.

5) Traveling can be truly dangerous

Yes, it is. Don’t we hear about these frequent flight crash, train accidents, kidnappings and so on Outside world is really not safe. Your money can be better spent in protecting your own home and family.

6) Traveling makes you feel uncomfortable

Why is there a need to get out of your comfort zone? It is not required as well. It’s safer to stick around at house than sitting in a plane for long hours. How you can interact with strange people. Instead, you can marry and lived your whole life with a strange girl.

7) Why unnecessary to travel

Desire to visit the Seven Wonders of the World? Simply switch on the TV or browse the internet you will come to experience everything. Now no need to belong to that peculiar place to see that bloody monument.

8) Travel create so much of the tension

Yes, that’s so true. Why to plan for travel and consume so much of the tension. Instead of that we can do family planning which is a stress buster.

So guys please stop fooling yourself and people close to you. Travel experience is simply a myth. Nothing you can earn while traveling. It’s a waste of time and money. Rather, focus on your liveliness. Take home loans, insurance policies, automobile loans and if possible take personal loans as well. Try to make as much money as you can. Because we bear just one spirit and everybody wants to die fat.

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