Europe 2019: Bratislava- Day Tour is not enough to get the flavour of this Slovakian Capital

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My next stop- Bratislava, Slovak Capital city.

It is just four hours, from Budapest by Bus and just an hour from Vienna, so people usually just go for a day trip, but Bratislava deserves more than that.

View of Bratislava


In the 5th Century, the tribals came here for the first time and started the Civilization. Slovakia is only a 26 years old country. After the end of WW1, Slovaks from all over the world wanted to end the dual monarchy and were looking to form a new republic with Czech, which was then called Czechoslovakia. In March 1939, Slovak Republic (Slovenská republika) declared its independence and became a nominally independent state in Central Europe under Nazi German control of foreign policy. There was a total of 90000 Jews living in Slovakia. Jewish code was passed in Sept 1941, which forbids Jews from doing many jobs and intermarriages. All Jews were required to wear a yellow armband. Almost 50% of Jews lost their livelihood. In between March and Oct 1942, almost 60000 Jews were deported to concentration camps where they lost their lives. By the end of 1944, only 10,000 Jews survived in Slovakia.

From 1945 to 1989 under the Soviet era, Bratislava was ruled by the communist party. Situations were not very favorable. They destroyed everything related to the Jewish- Houses and Synagogue. Finally, on 17th Nov 1989, there was a public protest known as Velvet Movement. Thousands of people gathered on the streets and started protesting against the Communist party and thus, the Communist era came to an end.

Old Lanes of Bratislava

In 1993, both the countries, i.e., Czech and Slovakia peacefully proclaimed their existence and so Slovakia was formed.

Slovakia and Czech are brothers. They were separated due to politics. They still share the love and hate relationship.

The National Radio Building

Business Square, Bratislava

Fun facts

  • In 2004, Slovakia becomes a part of the EU and in 2009 Euro was introduced as the official currency.
  • The population is approximately 5 Million.
  • Till an individual attains the age of 26 years, the education is free and medical expenses are paid by the government.
  • If you are unemployed, the government will pay you for 12 months. In between these 12 months, you have to find a job.
  • The National Radio Building in Bratislava is considered to be one of the ugliest buildings in the world.
  • There is a Church which is Blue in color and nobody knows why it is blue in color.
  • Slovaks are very much fond of street arts.
  • They have a lot of Spooky Stories so don’t forget to take a spooky tour.
  • Slovakian Girls love a guy who speaks Spanish.
  • Beer is the cheapest here.

Bratislava is very small as compared to the other European Capital city. But it’s more fun. People are really good. Food is so amazing. If you come here by bus, from the bus station to Old Town, you will pass through the business district where you will see lots of High Rises. Nowadays Bratislava is a hub for IT companies. The main business is sales and customer service. The old town is very small. Slovakians are very much fond of Statues. You will find lots of different statues which have their own distinct story. This capital city deserves more than a daytime trip.

They are really fond of Ice creams. Don’t use an ATM to withdraw money because most of the ATMs are run by private companies. Always use bank if you want to take out money. Bratislava Castle doesn’t look like a castle. It’s a very unusual castle I have seen till date. Summer is the best time to Enjoy Bratislava.  If you have any queries, feel free to drop in at or write it in the comment section.


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